Companies i investors grapple amb constants condicions de canvi, però les nostres puntes de revisió per a un elevat nivell de volatilitat en les decades ahead. Per understand why, we look at the three majors forces that will shape the 2020s: demographics, automation and inequality. Les forces són already in motion and set to collide. Secondly, given those growth platforms, what is the brand portfolio, business portfolio that I'll use to address them?
We're seeing an extreme rise in profitable growth from the clients that we're supporting to reset their marketing model.
Però això és straightforward. So actualment, àrees four and five are enablers. Four, what's the data and technology strategy and the roadmap to implement that? Els líders inclouen les seves dates, refreixent les constantment i, més importantment, utilitzant les informacions de decisions de negocis. And they're making the technology that underpins that a priority.